I started writing and publishing my write ups when I was in the sixth grade. The first article I wrote was about one of my idols, Selena Gomez. Unfortunately, it got rejected by two newspapers. I was so disheartened at first. It felt like the end of the world for me. I thought that writing and all is not my cup of tea. But then, my pi (paternal aunt) motivated me and inspired me to write more although all of them might not get published. Also, at that time, I was reading a book by Sudha Murthy. Interestingly, that day, I had to read the chapter where she has written how many times her writings got rejected. She also writes that her write ups get rejected even today. I felt so inspired on reading it. I also took it as a signal that I should keep writing. It, of course, was a signal for me otherwise why would I get that exact chapter on that particular day?
Then, I wrote a story titled “Festivities with a Difference.” Luckily, it got published in the Assam Tribune Newspaper’s page for children called the Planet Young Newspaper. That is what motivated me. I was so happy to see myself get published. I wrote more and more after that. Of course, I faced many rejections. Even today, most of my write ups are rejected by various newspapers and magazines but now, I am used to rejection.
Nowadays, rejection cannot affect me anymore. I have befriended rejection.
The best thing that happened to me after I started writing and publishing is that I am so used to rejections now. I am not afraid of them anymore. I have learnt to handle not only the rejection of my write ups but also the rejections that we face in our day to day life. I am not afraid to try something new because I don’t fear rejection.
People don’t try new things just because they fear getting rejected. In life, it is very important to be friends with rejections. They are a very integral part of our life because they teach us so much and help us improve a lot. So, rejections are not an occasion to cry about but rather are opportunities to learn from and also improve ourselves in whatever way possible.