Aryan Nangia, a 17-year-old student at Pathways School, Gurugram, has developed a unique platform that offers students skills that prepare them for future challenges.
January 16, 2025
Aryan Nangia, a 17-year-old student at Pathways School, Gurugram, has developed a unique platform that offers students skills that prepare them for future challenges. The platform, called LaunchPad, provides students with a variety of skills including financial literacy, design thinking and storytelling that will aid them in their future careers and help them tackle real-life situations. Aryan’s platform helps students bring their innovative ideas to life by providing them with resources that help them implement their plans. Since its establishment in 2023, LaunchPad has evolved tremendously. The platform now benefits students in many international cities.
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REFLECTION: Education for Free!
List 5 things you would want to learn on LaunchPad.