Wonders of Science

Sahasra Somalanka, Class 6, Tatva Global School, Hyderabad

As I was reading about the GSFK, I decided to put up my views about the wonders of science. Science makes man the master of the world. Science is expanded to every field of life. From morning to night, we mostly use science and its innovation in our daily life. Science made it possible to connect with people residing very far from us. Newer technologies like the hyperloop, bullet trains, and electric cars have made traveling easier and faster.

In the field of medical science, we are now capable of saving many lives with the help of science. The cure that was not possible earlier is now a work of seconds. The world proved this by fighting the Corona pandemic. The educational field also benefitted from science and technology. Students are now capable of flexible studies because of online education.

The innovation of missiles, rockets, etc allows the journey to Mars and the moon. The introduction of robots is taking the world in a whole new direction. The integration of science with advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Blockchain, etc is surprising humans with their magic.

Science is doing wonders beyond our imagination. Using science for good will always give healthy results but misusing will lead to destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to use science and its applications wisely. I hope science and technology improve to make our easier day by day.

July, 2024

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