Wisdom from the Mahabharat: God’s Grace Is Enough

It is natural for us to remember God in times of need. When we are faced with a difficult problem, we often turn to God for help. It is silly to expect God to do our difficult tasks for us. However, God may extend grace to us, which may show us the path, rid us of our fears or lethargy and fill us with a new enthusiasm to tackle our problems afresh, on our own. In the Udyog Parv of the Mahabharat, there is an incident that shows how God gives grace to the humble, and how that can make all the difference.

Efforts to establish peace between the Kauravs and the Pandavs had failed. Duryodhan had declined to give even five villages to the Pandavs and war was imminent. Both sides were trying to marshal support from other kings in the country. By chance, both Duryodhan and Arjun reached Dwaraka on the same
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