Wings by Yashwe Taparia

Yashwe Taparia, Class 6, Basil Woods School, Hyderabad

If I had wings, I would fly away.
Leave this world and go away.
I always knew I couldn’t stay so better.
I just fly away.
Well, this world isn’t a sin,
but I just can’t stay in
evil left in sight me
waiting in to devour me!
Today I realised that,
life always is not easy man,
we can’t run from our sins,
like it’s an easy win
But we are lucky.
We can get a second chance.
Others are not lucky
So, let’s not take advantage lad
Let’s all fix our mistakes.
It’s okay if it is not accepted mate
being true to ourselves,
is the best thing our life can do today.

August, 2024

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