When I Open My Eyes….

Saanvi Singh, Class 6, The Creek Planet School, Hyderabad

When I open my eyes,
I see a lot of things.
A lot of people,
Gathered around me.
I feel scared, and
Frightened at first.
Looking at those faces,
Staring at me.
I also am hungry,
I try to convey,
Nobody understands,
They smile & go away.
I don’t understand,
Why they left me by.
So out of confusion,
I start to cry.
Then someone puts
Me up on her lap,
As something tasty
Enters, as I relax.
I look at her long hair,
And the beautiful eyes,
She’s someone special,
That I realize.
This ‘someone’
Is no one,
Yes, no other,
But the beautiful angel,
Is my own mother.
How happy I am,
To be with her.
Every time
something happens,
She still remains,
My beautiful mother.

September, 2024

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