When Did We Grow Up?

Shanaya Kacheria, Class 10, Cathedral and John Connon School, Mumbai

When we grew up?
Seems like yesterday we were kids,
Playing on the beach making sand pits,
Happiness was found in the smallest things,
When did we grow up so big!
Where did the childhood fade,
Used to think life was one big shade,
Toys, the ‘Simon Says’ game we played,
Oh! the pretty things we made.
I am no longer small with eyes so wide,
But a teenager now, with a heart full of pride.
I’m finding my way, through life’s plodding pace,
And embracing growth, with a smile on my face.
Through trials and errors, I will find my way
Learning to balance, come what may.
With each step forward, I will claim my ground
Embracing my individuality, unbound.

September, 2024

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