Stuti Manda, Class 8, Gitanjali Vedika School, Hyderabad
The cold of the shower ran through my veins,
I was soaked from searching in the rain.
I was shivering, all my 28 teeth chattering,
But I couldn’t give up, I had to keep searching.
I ran helter – skelter,
Searching for shelter.
The rain got stronger,
I got colder.
Inside me, the light of hope began to dim,
But I couldn’t let fear and darkness win.
I found a great big canopy,
I went under it rapidly.
Memories of old flooded me,
Memories of me and my family.
A new light was born in my soul,
I couldn’t let hopelessness take control.
I walked into the storm with determination
With my new dedication.
I walked with pride,
It became my guide.
I came to a familiar road,
The one that led to my abode.
There I found it, reduced to a stump,
It’s great big branches in a dump.
I ran towards it,
And that is when my heart split.
I saw a man,
With his clan.
With my dead mother,
And my dead sister.
“Look what I found”
“Standing on a mound!”
“Another one of those white rabbits!”
“Let’s skin it!” he said at the last.
And I ran away,
Far, Far away.
August, 2023