Venezuela Loses All its Glaciers 

Climate change has caused the Humboldt Glacier, Venezuela’s last glacier, to vanish. This has made the South American country the first country in modern history to lose all its glaciers.

June 16, 2024 
  • Climate change has caused the Humboldt Glacier, Venezuela’s last glacier, to vanish. This has made the South American country the first country in modern history to lose all its glaciers. 
  • According to climatologists, the Humboldt Glacier, also known as La Corona Glacier, lost ice to such a great extent that it can no longer be classified as a glacier. This shrunken ice body has now been downgraded to an ice field. 
  • Located in the Sierra Nevada de Merida mountains, the Humboldt Glacier initially covered more than 4.5sq kms. However, climate change has caused it to shrink to around 0.02sq kms. 
  • In 1919, Venezuela had six glaciers that covered an area of 1,000sq kms. However, five of them melted away by 2011. 

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