Uttarakhand’s ‘Nakshatra Sabha’ 

The Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, in collaboration with a well-known astrotourism firm called Starscapes, has introduced India’s first astro-tourism campaign.

June 01, 2024 
  • The Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board, in collaboration with a well-known astro-tourism firm called Starscapes, has introduced India’s first astro-tourism campaign. 
  • Called ‘Nakshatra Sabha’, this campaign will include numerous activities such as astrophotography competitions, stargazing and astronomy-related camps and webinars. 
  • The campaign, which aims to promote astro-tourism in the country, will begin in early June and will continue until the middle of 2025. It will offer people a variety of fascinating astronomy-related events at different places throughout Uttarakhand. 
  • This initiative aims to promote dark sky preservation and make Uttarakhand a popular stargazing and astro-tourism destination. 

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