Transforming Plant-based Meat

Scientists at the University of Leeds in the UK have developed a technique, which makes plant-based meat juicier.

September 16, 2023

Scientists at the University of Leeds in the UK have developed a technique, which makes plant-based meat juicier. They employed a process known as microgeletion in which water is used to convert plant proteins into plant microgels. The process involves heating plant proteins, which possess a dry and rough texture, in water to change their molecular structure, leading to the formation of a gel that retains water around the protein. When foods containing these microgels are consumed, they are subjected to pressure and release water, emulating the fatty texture of meat. Scientists hope this plant-based alternative to meat will reduce consumers’ dependence on animal products and will help reduce the carbon emissions from the meat industry.

Did You Know
Around 60% of the emissions related to food production come from the production of meat.

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