The Song of Nature

Hanishka Soni, Class 5, CNM School, Mumbai

In the quiet dawn, the world awakes,
A symphony of life, the morning makes.
Birds sing sweetly, a melodious tune,
As flowers bloom under the gentle moon.
The river flows with a soothing grace,
Reflecting the sky’s serene embrace.
Mountains stand tall, guardians of time,
Whispering tales in a voice sublime.
The forest hums with a vibrant beat,
Where creatures roam and shadows meet.
Leaves rustle softly, a calming sound,
In this sacred space, peace is found.
The ocean waves dance with the shore,
A timeless rhythm, forevermore.
Stars twinkle in the night’s embrace,
A celestial wonder, a cosmic trace.
Nature’s beauty, pure and grand,
A masterpiece crafted by a loving hand.
In every breeze, in every tree,
A reminder of life’s harmony.

August, 2024

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