The Right to Disconnect

Dhrithi Chembarpu, Class 6, Dev-In National School, Sahakaranagar, Bengaluru

In our issue dated May 16 to 31, 2024, we asked you to comment on the ‘Right to Disconnect’. Dhrithi Chembarpu sends her response. 

According to me, the ‘Right to Disconnect’ law is a very good idea. During the last few years, I have seen my father working late almost every day. After the COVID-19 pandemic, ever since work-from-home has been introduced, my father is always seated in front of the laptop. Nowadays, he goes to the office four days in a week. Even then, he has meetings and work calls after he comes back home. Because of this, I haven’t been able to spend much time with him. This is something that has made me feel very upset. If the ‘Right to Disconnect’ law is enforced in India, I feel that many people, including my father, will have much more free time on their hands, which they can spend with their family and for their hobbies. I think that the Indian government should enforce this law, because it will make thousands of families happier. 

Dhrithi Chembarpu
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