The fragrance of natural vegetables and fruits from my garden reached my nose. I also smelled the stew that my mother was cooking downstairs. When I opened my eyes, I looked around my bedroom frantically. My gaze first fell on my wooden walls and floor. Then to my organized cabinet, where the door was swinging open and shut, I heard the thumping of feet going down the stairs while passing my door.
“Oh no!” I yelled. I had kept my alarm clock inside my cabinet because it was not working. My younger brother, Vian, tried persuading me to lend me my broken alarm so that he could fix it. Though I turned down all his requests, he would not take them, so in order to teach me a lesson, he stole my clock. It did matter though it was just Sunday, as I had a special appointment to go to my friend’s house for a night stay, and she had asked me to come to her house at 8:30 a.m. I laid both my feet on the ground near my bed and was about to get up when I heard a squelching noise. I looked down, and to my horror, I noticed that my brother had planted some clay in his room near my bed. “Oh! What a naughty prankster that boy is!” I sighed. I refreshed and put on my best dress. After getting ready, I ran down the stairs. I promptly asked my mom, “Good morning! Can you tell me what the time is?’’. “Good morning. 9:40 is the time,” my mom replied. “Aaaaaaahhhhh!!”, I screamed. I rushed up and packed a few things in a battered rucksack. I heaved my luggage and made a pit stop at my brother’s room. I was seeing red. As I seethed in rage, I noticed my brother’s door was half open. I immediately went inside.
As I thudded into his room, he went pale. He was sitting in his chair and writing his homework on the table. I leaned in to see what he was writing. I almost gagged, as his handwriting was as dirty as a chicken scrawl. I did not understand a single word, and it felt Greek to me. I looked at him and grumbled, “Give me my alarm clock and mind you……” What I looked at almost made me get a seizure attack. He had broken it and removed all the parts. I nearly wanted to scream myself hoarse, shouting, ‘What on earth have you done?’ but I restrained myself. This was exactly why I sometimes thought he was as mad as a hatter as he drove me up the wall. Without looking at him, I fled his room. I crept into my room and closed the door. I was already knocked off my socks, but this time not because what he did was impressive, but what he did was destroy. He was also getting on my nerves and making me exhausted. Then I heard someone knock on my door. I opened it and noted Vian standing with the broken clock.
I voiced out, “Why did you break my clock?”
He aired, “I wanted to show you that I was good at the mechanism, and unusually, I failed.”
“What do I have to do with a broken clock?”
“Wait! Before you throw all of the parts away, I must show you something. [He rummaged through his palm, which was full of other broken parts, and picked one that was the size of his thumb.] This.”
It was rubbery and shocking pink. It was a tiny, rubbery pig. It had white, furry wings.
“What is this, Vian? I never stuck any miniature toy in the alarm clock.”.
“I know, but all I want to know is how this thing came into the alarm clock.”
Vian suddenly told me, “Keep it with you tonight. I will do some research.”
I hesitantly hugged my brother and dropped the miniature pig into the rucksack.
I ran down the stairs grabbed a toast from the toaster and called, “Thanks, Mom!!” and ran out of the door. My friend’s house was about a mile from my house, so I had to walk and go. I had memorized the map to my friend’s house, like I had swallowed the map whole. I was planning to make a few pit stops along the way so that I could get a toy and some gourmet chocolates for my friend as a gratitude gift. While I nibbled a few pieces of bread toast, I imagined the look on my friend’s face when I gave her the party favors. I was so immersed in the toasted bread, as it tasted heavenly, that I did not hear something flying right near my shoulder. Something blew gusts of air into my ear that made a buzzing sound and made my ear feel ticklish.
Instantly, I looked around my surroundings since I had felt something strange happening. I almost fell as the area had completely become dark and pitch grey. I lost gravity and felt like I was flying in the air. My heart was pounding, and I felt as meek and timid as a lamb. I looked over my shoulder and found a miniature pig with wings flying next to me. “H-How are you alive?”, I stammered. It laughed and said, “Thank you for freeing me from that horrible clock. I owe you a lot.”
“Oh… if you have to know, my brother told me to keep you, though he freed you.”
“Sweet!! Thank him.”
“Hey, do not tell me that you are called bacon. Bacons and sausages are yummy, though they have a thick and hard part in them. Hahahahaha!!!!!”
“That is not funny.”
“Okay, now jokes aside, how are you alive?”
The pig sadly narrated its story, “I am a divine pig. I am the pet of the sun god. Of course, how ironic! You might be thinking, but I am a forgotten part of literature. One morning, while I was sending and throwing light around, because my master was exhausted from doing it, he asked me to do it. I became exhausted, and I looked for a place to rest. I found your um….attic [“Bedroom!” I corrected her.] Sorry, so I found your bedroom comfy enough to shelter me for a while. I also found a queer-looking thing, which I got to know as an alarm clock, and got curious. I accidentally went inside it and got stuck. I realized that someday anyone would find me, so I acted like a doll. I know you are pure at heart, so can you help me get back to my abode?’’.
“Yes, I will help you, but how do you know I have a pure heart?’’.
I became excited at the thought of adventure. My excitement was almost bursting at the seams of my edges.
“Well uh…. I just felt it like that?’’.
I told it that it was okay and what we could possibly do for the adventure.
The pig thoughtfully looked at me and said, “Well, we have to go to the sunshine meadow and then cross the daring rainbow bridge, which leads to the abode of the sun god. To reach the abode, we should also jump on the floating clouds. Come on, we have a lot to do.”
The pig started flying, and I followed it by floating it. We walked for hours and hours until our feet almost fell [not really]. Then trees began popping out, and it became dark. Later, we came to a beautiful place.
I saw the beautiful place with my widest eyes. There were dahlia bulbs and hyacinths everywhere.
There were blooming green grasses that sprouted with the flowers. There are small, flat rocks scattered here and there. There was a wide and clear stream. There were many hills, boulders, and meadows after the stream. I could smell the fresh breeze that floated towards me, as well as the wet grass and flowers’ smell. I could hear the buzzing of bees and the gurgles and ripples of the stream. My hand wavered in the air as I touched the soft and delicate petals of the flowers. I scampered ahead and drank some water. I was thirsty. It tasted like nectar.
“Here we are, at Sunshine, the meadow.”, the pig announced.
The pig then made me wade in the stream. At the end, all the water disappeared and made me dry as usual. The pig then told me that we had to leave the place.
I took one last look at the place and followed the pig. Sunshine, the meadow, was absolutely out of this world and was as pretty as a picture. In a flash, a rainbow appeared as a bridge, and we trekked over it. I could see where the daring came from, as it was slippery. After that, we came to the last obstacle. I was scared to death, so the pig flew over and took me over to meet the sun god. After nearing the palace, the god came out, hugged the pig, and thanked me. Then they transported me to my friend’s house. There, we played for a while, but I realized I wanted the party favors. That same night, while both of us were sleeping, we heard a funny noise. I looked down and found the party favors with a note saying, “Love from the Pig.” “Thank you’’, I whispered happily.
The End
August, 2024