The Oak Tree

Hanishka Soni, Class 5, CNM School, Mumbai

In the heart of my garden, tall and grand,
Stands an oak tree, a sentinel of the land.
With branches that stretch to the sky so blue,
It whispers secrets, old and true.
Its leaves, a canopy of emerald green,
Dance with the wind, in a graceful scene.
Roots deep in the earth, strong and wide,
A symbol of strength, where dreams reside.
Through seasons it stands, steadfast and bold,
In summer’s warmth and winter’s cold.
A haven for birds, a sheltering shade,
In its presence, memories are made.
Oh, mighty oak, with wisdom so vast,
A living link to the ancient past.
In your embrace, we find peace and cheer,
A timeless beauty, forever dear.

August, 2024

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