It was a room of truly unimaginable treasures— UNBELIEVABLE TREASURES. I opened my eyes wide to take in the vast amount of information. In the middle of the magnificent room, a snake stood majestically, like a cobra a few seconds before the attack. Its red eyes shimmered like the sun, while its body streaked with shades of blue, yellow and green was smoother than glass, and shinier than polished sapphires. The four colourful walls that enveloped the room were covered in carefully framed portraits. There were at least five on each wall. The portrait that caught my eye was at the top of the eastern one. It was a painting of a forest on a black night, alive from every corner. There were lions, cheetahs, tigers, wolves, foxes and other creatures, recognisable and unrecognisable to me, while the lonely night sky was dotted with sparkling diamonds and whizzing meteors.
On the floor was a flat rectangular box. A cloud of dust rose as I slowly lifted the lid. Inside, wrapped in a clear sheet, was an old-fashioned tea-set fit for kings. There were four cups with wide mouths, made from white exquisite China, decorated with red wavy borders all along the top of the cups. In the middle, a red and white kettle with a long, curved spout, exactly like an elephant raising its trunk high in the air. Placed alongside were four glittering saucers, plated with authentic gold. Gold! So much gold was scattered on a shelf in that room.
There were five ingots, along with ornaments, watches, keys and other things—all from gold. On the same shelf was a fat cylindrical container. Upon opening it, I saw sheets of paper scrolled up inside, yellowed with age, containing delicious recipes, which made my mouth water as I read them. I looked around. I had checked everything except a small grey box, lying on the circular table with the snake. I opened it. There was a glass bottle with around 20 small white pills inside it. Out of sheer curiosity, I pried open the box and swallowed one of the pills. The world around me started to get dizzy. I felt faint and suddenly collapsed to the ground, dropping the bottle, which smashed to pieces. The pills scattered everywhere. I heard a sharp cry from down. I tried to get up and leave the room, but the pill had overpowered me. The last thing I heard was footsteps thudding up the stairs before I lost consciousness completely.

REFLECTION: The Chill Pill
What do you think happened to the protagonist after he ate the pill? Add your own twist ending to the story.