The Inventionist

Ira Pathak, Class 7, Podar International School, Mumbai

Once upon a time, there was a kid called Avery, who was very smart. Even if Avery was very smart, kids ridiculed him for his looks. If one had to describe him, they would describe him as a tall kid at 5’1, red hair rectangular spectacles, and a face full of freckles.
Poor Avery, he only wanted friends how was it his fault that he didn’t look nice? One would not know how it was to be friendless until you were. It was rather horrible to sit alone at every lunchtime for 365 days in a row.
Then one day in April, the teacher announced that after kids returned from the summer break, they had to bring in an invention made by them. “Excellent!” Avery thought. Well, he was right. Avery was a brainiac he could make anything. “I’ll make such a good invention that all the teacher and kids will be attracted to me. And over that I shall make tons of friends. I won’t come out of the garage the whole summer.” Avery thought.
And so true to his word, Avery worked overtime in the garage. What was his invention you ask? well he made an invention that could make you breakfast. You only had to enter what and how you wanted your food, and the machine would make it for you. “The Breakfaster’ he called it. At the end of summer break, all the kids returned with various inventions, one had made a filter, while one had crafted a solar clock.” Whew, looks like I shall be the best.” Avery thought. And he was right he got merit and international recognition, his name in the Guinness Book and yes tons of friends.

October, 2024

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