In the heart of Kyoto, lived a spirited girl called Liseo. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and her heart, with the courage of a thousand samurais. Liseo was not like other girls, she was fascinted by the ancient tales of dragons.
One day, while tending to her grandmother’s attic, she found an old map, hinting the existence of dragons in the serene plains of Mount Fuji. With a heart of excitement and a 35 inch backpack of essentials, she set off on a quest.
The journey was arduous, filled with steep climbs and dense forests. But Liseo’s determination was unwavering. She reached the summit after several days, her eyes wide, full of anticpation.
As she touched the spot labelled “Summon Of The Gods”, a gust of wind blew the clouds away, to reveal a majestic dragon, with scales of scintillating gold and glistening emerald. Liseo recgnized it as RyĹ«jin, the Dragon King of the Sea in ancient Japanese Mythology. Liseo was awstruck, a sight in front of her she thought she would never see.
Liseo struck up the courage to approach Ryūjin, and she bowed, singing old Japanese prayer-songs, to confess t Ryūjin that she was his follower, not an enemy. Ryūjin bowed to her, and spoke of ancient times, of wisdom and courage. A calming aura filled the space around them, a moment to cherish.
As the sun began to set, Liseo bid farewell to Ryūjin, promising to keep their encounter a secret. She descended Mount Fuji, her spirit enriched and her quest fulfilled. She was no longer Liseo, but the girl who seeked Dragons.
A samurai is an ancient Japanese warrior who protects Japanese values from bad forces like ninjas.
May, 2024