The Effects of AI on Future Writers 

By Sarvodya Singh, Class 9, Army Public School, Jorhat, Assam

Before looking at the effect of AI on future writers, we should first know what AI actually is. AI refers to artificial intelligence, which is the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions just as human beings. In simple words, we can say that AI is developed so that machines can also have the ability to think by themselves and help us with our tasks just as a real person does. 

So, as we all know, Chat GPT, Bing AI and many more apps help with very complex things in which self-thinking is required. For example, they can make highly detailed art on any topic that you give and they can write articles, novels and stories as per your requirement. And the thing is that they can do it within seconds for which an average human takes hours or even days. 

But, because of all these abilities AI has, we worry about what will happen to the real, creative, human artists that include all the poets, painters and story writers and all the content writers. The value of their art will decrease drastically. Because, for example, if gold is available everywhere, then it would not retain its high value. 

Actually it’s a very controversial topic and I would like to share my humble opinion. 

According to me, all the writers and artists shouldn’t have to worry or think that AI will take their place or replace them completely. I can say this for sure because there are a lot of things that AI cannot provide its users and can be done only by a human being. 

The reasons are as follows: 

  • Lack of human touch 
  • Execution without a good idea 

The final conclusion is that it’s just like giving high-speed cars to a group of athletes will not replace the race between them. Or giving a sculptor a proper tool will not completely change his sculpture; it would just make it more beautiful. And just like this, AI also will make our art and writings more beautiful. 

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ACTIVITY: The Good, Bad and Ugly

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