The Beauty of Colours

The festival of Holi signifies the beginning of spring and honours the victory of good over evil. This year, Holi will be celebrated on March 14. People celebrate Holi by smearing coloured powders on each other, enjoying delicacies and engaging in vibrant festivities. Colours, which are an important part of Holi traditions, also enrich our daily lives. SCARLETT RODRIGUES asked a few RobinAgers about the significance of colours and what colours mean to them. Here’s what they had to say.

March 01, 2025 

Heli Jobanputra
Class 2, DG Khetan International School, Mumbai

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

Holi is one of my favourite festivals. Apart from the fun we have celebrating Holi with vibrant colours, I like the festival because it sounds like my name, ‘Heli’. Colours add joy to my life every day. I use colours to express myself, especially through the colourful clothes I wear. I like all colours as I feel each colour plays an important role in making the world beautiful. Without colours, the world would be dull and holiday destinations wouldn’t be beautiful. I remember going to the beach and looking at the vast, blue sea. The colours of the sky during sunset were also mesmerising. The stunning scene filled me with joy. I also use colours to express myself through painting. Colours add charm and cheer to occasions too. My birthday was celebrated with a Barbie-themed party and the pink ambience and decorations added a magical touch to the event.

Saibhavesh Maheshwaran
Class 6, Tatva School, Chennai

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

According to me, colours reflect different personalities. People’s colour preferences help me understand their personality. I feel someone who likes black might be a kind person with a strong personality, while someone who likes blue might be selfless. Orange reflects a person’s hardworking and logical nature while red reflects a person’s disciplined nature and leadership qualities. Yellow reflects a person’s cheerful, helpful and kind nature while purple reflects the personality of someone who is understanding and can provide advice. Colours also help me to showcase my identity.

Riya Premkumar
Class 6, Narayana e-Techno School, Salem

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

According to me, colours go beyond their use in painting and drawing. Each colour has its significance and meaning. For example, blue symbolises calmness, red symbolises love or anger and yellow represents happiness. According to me, colours are important in all aspects of life, influencing everything from the outfits I wear to my food. I only eat food if I like its colour. Bright and fluorescent colours attract me the most. Whenever I take my art paper and paint, I like to splash all those bright colours all over the paper. Expressing myself through colours rejuvenates me.

Mishka Anand
Class 7, Smt Sunitidevi Singhania School, Thane

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

Colours serve as powerful tools for expressing ourselves. The colours we wear can provide an insight into our behaviour, personality and many other traits. A life without these delightful colours would be melancholic and challenging. Colours bring us joy and help us experience different emotions we cannot describe. Bright and warm colours often represent happiness, cheerfulness and fun, like the festival of Holi. Holi represents the start of spring and the celebration of good. I feel colours can elevate my mood, similar to how a rainbow brings cheer on a dull, cloudy day. I am grateful to nature for providing us with the gift of colours.

Subuhi Chaudhary
Class 7, American EduGlobal School, Ghaziabad

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

Colours reflect the vibes of festivals such as Holi. Colours such as yellow and pink evoke liveliness, energy and positivity. I feel the colour green reminds me of nature and freshness. Blue boosts my mood and helps me maintain calmness amid chaos. Holi is about leaving behind drama and negativity and celebrating our bonds with people with a burst of colours. I think the burst of colours changes the atmosphere, making it joyful and lively and creating a memorable experience for everyone celebrating the festival.

Vizzmaya Jalal
Class 8, St Francis School (CISCE), Mumbai

RobinAge Cover Story - The Beauty of Colours

For my family, the festival of colours, Holi, is a day to cleanse negative colours from our minds and paint others’ lives with vibrant colours filled with positivity. In addition to contributing to how we perceive things, colours help us to navigate through emotions. From white, which is considered the symbol of purity, and pink, which evokes a sense of innocence, to red, which represents passion and love, and green, which is associated with healing and growth, each colour is significant. Not to forget blue, which is associated with trust and peace, and black, which stands for mystery and power. The colours of the clothes we wear and the food we consume also influence our mental and physical health. From colourful rainbows to creatively designed ambiences in buildings, colours serve as the building blocks of our thoughts and influence us subconsciously throughout our lives, making them tricky influencers.

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