Divyanain Khan, Class 9, Learning Paths School, Mohali
Why is it that nature has long served as a source of inspiration for so many poets, authors and artists? You could endlessly talk about its beauty. It is a serene picture painted by god and it goes without saying that no one is a finer painter than god. Nature is mind-blowingly beautiful; you could lose or find yourself in nature. The food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we use to irrigate our crops are all gifts from nature. They provide us with a wide range of additional products and services that are essential to our well-being, pleasure and success.
When I think about nature, a seductive image of nature forms in my mind that reminds me how fortunate I am to be alive and be able to enjoy its beauty. There must be a very small percentage of people who take the time to sit back and truly appreciate their lives and everything that God has given them. This could be the specific explanation for humans’ alienation from nature and preference for fabricated things. Why are people so devoted to worldly possessions while the true beauty is found in nature? This is simply due to the emphasis placed on money and the failure to consider the fact that when we depart from this world, all we will have left are the memories we have made. The best memories are made by taking the time to appreciate both your surroundings and your inner beauty.
Even after reading so many articles, we continue to turn a blind eye to the actual idea. What is the real point of it all if we don’t realise that if we don’t do anything to restore nature to its original form, we will all eventually run out of resources and nothing will be left for the next generation to endure and live a life similar to ours? Without nature, survival is impossible.