That Day

Sanhita Mehta, Class 8, Learning Paths School, Mohali

November, 2023

That day I still remember,
For the Sun was shining like a burning ember.
The sunflower swayed gently in the breeze,
And the turquoise sky resembled a cloth with no crease.
Overhead hovered an inquisitive bee,
While a caterpillar crawled up a towering tree.
On the very next tree was a honeycomb,
And on the ground,
I saw ambitious ants making their way home.
The coo of a nightingale and the chirp of a bird,
Was so soft and silent that even my heartbeat could be heard.
And as I passed a bubbling brook,
One moment this thought indeed took.
That this beauty can be created by no creature,
Except for dear Mother Nature.
That day I still remember,
For the Sun was shining like a burning ember.

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