Thailand Bans Import of Plastics 

To put an end to plastic China’s Nengchu-1 Project pollution, Thailand has banned the import of plastic waste from developed countries since January 1.

February 16, 2025 

To put an end to plastic pollution, Thailand has banned the import of plastic waste from developed countries since January 1. Due to the high local costs associated with handling plastic waste, countries such as Japan and the USA export waste to Thailand and other countries. The cost of handling and processing waste in countries like Thailand is cheaper due to several factors including low labour costs. Thailand and other countries in the Global South take in plastic waste from developed countries as processing this waste creates economic gains and employment opportunities. However, instead of being recycled, the waste is often burnt and handled inappropriately, leading to environmental issues in the importing countries. To deal with this crisis, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Thailand has imposed the import ban. 

Approximately 8 million tonnes of waste plastic materials drift into marine environments from coastal regions annually. 

REFLECTION: Plastic Waste No More

Think of 5 ways in which plastic waste can be recycled. 

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