Naisha Bhatia, Class 2 D, MIS International School, Pune, Maharashtra
August, 2023
Super Leah – Leah makes a friend
Before she became a superhero, Leah wasn’t super Leah, but just normal Leah. At school, nobody wanted to be friends with her. The kids always called her names and it made her upset. One day in her school garden, a boy almost fell in a bush but Leah ran super fast and saved the boy! The boy was really happy that he got saved.
Then, the boy turned into a wizard and cast a Hero spell on Leah! She got super speed to save people quickly, and she could fly now too!! They both became good friends. From today, Leah saves everyone in danger, and she has hundreds of friends. Nobody teases her and all call her “Super Leah”!
~The End~