Stories from the Hitopadesa: Mitrabheda 

The Hitopadesa, which is believed to have been composed by Vishnu Sarma around 200 BC, is divided into four parts. The second part, ‘Mitrabheda’ describes how cruel and envious thoughts can destroy a friendship and how deceit and misinformation can drive a wedge between friends, causing disharmony. Last we read about merchant Vardhamana, who had fastened two bulls named Nandaka and Sanjeevaka to his cart as he set out on his journey. But on the way, Sanjeevaka broke his leg. The merchant left the bull in the forest and continued his journey. Let’s read about what happens next.

Over time, Sanjeevaka recovered and regained strength, and one day he roared loudly. Lion King Pingalaka, who was on his way to the river to quench his thirst, heard the roar and got frightened. He wondered who this unknown beast could be and retreated to his cave in fear without drinking water.&nbs
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