Smart Textiles

Scientists at the Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, have developed smart textiles that fit snugly on the body.

September 01, 2022

Scientists at the Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, have developed smart textiles that fit snugly on the body. When worn, they can sense the movements and posture of the wearer, helping the wearer correct their gait or posture.

Pressure sensors were woven into multi-layered knit textiles using a process called thermoforming. This process was also used to create a ‘smart’ shoe and mat. A software and hardware system was then created to measure, analyse and explain information obtained from the pressure sensors in real-time. This technology could be used to track the gait of someone who is learning to walk again after an injury or used in socks that monitor the pressure on a diabetic patient’s foot to prevent the formation of ulcers.

Did You Know?
Thermoforming is a process in which a material is heated to make it soft and flexible so that its shape can be changed.

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