Sensor That Detects Lead

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, partnered with other institutions to create a technology that can detect lead levels in water in a cost-effective manner.

June 16, 2024  

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, partnered with other institutions to create a technology that can detect lead levels in water in a cost-effective manner. The newly developed device uses crown ethers, which are molecules that trap lead ions, and photonic chips, which use light to measure extremely low  concentrations of lead in water quickly and accurately. It is capable of detecting lead in water with different acidity levels. This technology has the potential to improve public health by tackling the problem of lead contamination, which affects millions of people around the world.

Watch this video to learn about lead pipes and lead contamination

Image Source: | Artist’s Impression of the Lead Contamination Detecting Device
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