Save Environment

In our issue dated June 1-15,2024, we asked you to list five things you can do to save the environment.

Doyel Trivedi, a class 10 student of Golden Era Academy, Jaipur says,

  • Carpooling, walking and cycling whenever possible: The pollution from our vehicles introduces several harmful gases into our environment. We should use bicycles or walk whenever possible. We can also appreciate our environment and surroundings more while walking! 
  • Go organic—reduce the use of non-biodegradable items: Plastic is a devil to our environment. It takes only a few seconds to buy a plastic item but it takes millions of years for it to decompose, which harms our environment greatly. Therefore, we should opt for biodegradable items and inculcate the 3Rs in our daily life. 
  • Advocate for sustainable development: Everything around us–from our house to clothes to the toys we play with–is made from the contribution of resources from Mother Earth. Day by day, our country is nailing global benchmarks and developing by leaps and bounds. However, sometimes development can lead to more harm than good. We must make sure that our development is not harming the environment. 
  • Plant more and more trees: This is the easiest way to be a hero to the environment! Trees are our leafy, green friends. They provide many things that are essential to our lives, such as oxygen and fruits. We must not take these privileges for granted. Planting more trees makes our Earth more beautiful as well. 
  • Small changes = Big impact: Who said that you have to only organise big plantation drives or massive movements to save the environment? It is okay to start small. Even if one person brings about a change, it can lead to a big impact. Something as trivial as recycling waste objects into decorative crafts can make a big difference! 
save the environment

Mirayah Venkat, a class 2 student of PICT Model School, Pune says,

We need to: 

  • Reduce the use of plastic and/ or dispose plastic garbage mindfully and in a separate bin. 
  • Use water sparingly by using buckets for bathing instead of showers. 
  • Sow seeds and plant trees instead of deforestation. 
  • Use recycled paper instead of cutting trees for new paper. 
  • Cycle or walk to nearby places instead of using vehicles that cause air pollution. 

Miruthulla Sri, a class 5 student of Navodaya
Academy, Tamil Nadu says,

  • Use fewer plastic bags and buy only recyclable plastic things, that too only if you really need them. 
  • Recycle all the plastic items you have. 
  • Encourage friends and advise them to stop using plastic as it is dangerous to the Earth. 
  • Plant some saplings in your backyard. 
  • Use only biodegradable items. 

I hope that everyone takes the right steps to create an Earth without plastic. 

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