Satyajit Ray in 100 Anecdotes by Arthy Muthanna Singh and Mamta Nainy  

Introduction By: Dhritiman Chaterji | Published By: Penguin | Recommended Age: 9+ years

Written By: Arthy Muthanna Singh and Mamta Nainy
Introduction By: Dhritiman Chaterji

‘Satyajit Ray in 100 Anecdotes’ is a collection of Ray’s magnificent life summed up in 100 little-known and inspiring incidents. Ray was a legendary filmmaker, writer, artist and all-round genius. The book brings out little details of his life at every stage. For example, it describes the moment he purchased an autograph book to get it signed by Rabindranath Tagore. This book is a classic tribute that celebrates many of Ray’s accomplishments across literature, music and art.

Published By: Penguin |
Recommended Age: 9+ years
Price: ₹299
Available on

REFLECTION: How Well Do You Know Him?

Write a short note on Satyajit Ray.

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