Shiv Machaiah, Class 2, KALS School, Kodagu
Once upon a time, there lived a naughty boy who did not listen to his parents. His name was Sam Rivers.
One day, as always, he was running around and scaring his dogs even though his parents advised him not to trouble animals. Suddenly, the dog tried to bite him but luckily, Sam ran away to safety. Sam thought, “Hmm, these dogs keep on biting whatever they see. Maybe they are mad dogs. I can hit them with a stick if I want”. So, the next day, when the dog was chasing a duck, Sam hit the dog with a stick.
The dog was scared at first, then became furious. The furious dog ran as fast as lightning and bit Sam hard on his leg. Sam was in a lot of pain and started crying loudly. He was rushed to the hospital by his parents. When he recovered, he said sorry to his parents and promised never to be naughty again.
April, 2024