Ustat Bal, Class 9, DPS, Chandigarh
August, 2023
Women’s dreams were never allowed to see the light of day
In the darkness they lost their way
When they finally stepped into the light
They were again pulled back into the starless night
But women fought back with all their might
But it never was enough
The going got too tough
They were stripped of their dreams
They were scattered across the land
No sooner did they find crockery in their worthy hands
They were chained to the ground
Unable to reach for the stars
They were not heard their cries their howls
They were not even allowed to meet their partners for life
The society kept on stabbing them with a rusted knife
“The same gender isn’t allowed to love another
How will there be a traditional father and mother”
If we aren’t allowed to live laugh enjoy love as we please
Then just keep us like toys
Animals to tease
We are smart and strong
More than once have we proved u wrong
Ego comes in the way of development
And you will always remain impertinent