
Adithri, Class 7, BGS Public School, Bengaluru

July, 2023

In India, in a joyful family of seven there entered an energetic little one. One day, when all the roads were drenched with water during heavy rains, a cute little puppy reached the door of the house where the family lived pleading for shelter. The poor little one was shivering while one of the kids gently patted it. While she made the puppy comfortable, the other two kids introduced it to other members of the family.

They arranged for some Pedigree and shelter for it. The puppy bowed down to show gratitude towards the family. The puppy gradually became an adult, now she was one amongst the kids. She was a best friend to the kids.

As she was a gem in the family, they named her ‘Ruby’. Yess! They named her right as that name describes her pure love and affection towards the family. She was a bodyguard to the kids till they reach school from home and vice versa. She helped ajja and ajji find their walking stick, spectacles and other simple works while also helping mummy in all the chores and she also made sure that mummy got enough rest.

She was the best companion for mummy in the absence of the kids. She greeted dad with cuddles and helped him in carrying his bag. But she never became tired and was energetic throughout the day. After doing all this work, she expected her favourite eatable the chicken flavoured pedigree.

If they refused to give it, she used to give them the cutest glare which melted their heart. After a few days Ruby mothered a puppy girl. These two enlarged the joy of the family and they soon named this new member Emerald.

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