Rimi in Mangolandia

Rimi was standing in the middle of a line full of students, at her school in Kolkata. It was the day to accept the report cards of the annual exams. “And soon I’ll be in the fourth grade”, thought Rimi. “How lovely”!

“Rimi Dutta”, called the class teacher grimly. ‘Yes Ma’am!’ answered Rimi going forward as everyone made way for her. She took the report card, and was shocked to see the happy and cheerful look on it. She had ranked first! Full marks in all the subjects, but Math’s… she had got ninety-nine out of one hundred. After all, it was an A+. She jumped up with joy. ‘Hurrah!’ she yelled. Her brother Riaz nudged her and said, ‘Have you ranked first? I’ve ranked tenth in class. Dad will be so disappointed! I’ve got eighty-two in Math’s! How horribly bad!’ ‘My goodness’! Said Rimi, ‘You usually don’t get such marks in Math’s! Though, it isn’t one of your best subjects!’ Riaz became very glum. ‘Hey Rimi!’, called Neela, ‘What have you got in English Literature? I’ve got eighty-seven! I mean, fancy me getting such bad marks!’ In the bus everyone wanted to sit by Rimi. ‘Just like everyone wanted to sit by you last year in the second grade, Sneha!’, said Rimi to her friend. Sneha smiled, shyly.

As they reached their small apartment, Rimi got excited to show the result to her dad. She got down and then Riaz. They stepped into lift, and Riaz pushed the button four. As they reached the fourth floor, Rimi kicked off her shoes, and rushed into the living room shouting, ‘dad! Dad!’ Dr. Shankar Dutta came out beaming round at his children. Each child got a pat on the back after their father checked their report cards and Rimi had got a big hug. She was delighted. Riaz also got a hug and was happy. Their Mom also wish them and hugged them.

May, 2024

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