Rendezvous With a Fairy

Kavya Vinay Koranne, Class 7, Bombay Scottish School (Powai), Mumbai

When I First Met a Fairy!
Most people think fairies to be exotic and dainty. However, fairies too have their own set of personalities and they are not really as exotic as books portray them.
It was the 19th of May 2023, when I had my first encounter with a fairy. I woke up surprisingly early that day and decided to go for a walk in my garden. I quickly put on some comfortable but presentable clothes and headed to the little garden in front my house. After walking for a few minutes, from the corner of my eye, I spotted a hint of glitter floating in the air. I turned around like a tornado, hoping to see something fascinating. To my utter shock, the glitter was gone. “I have quite an imagination!” I told myself. After a while my elder sister came to the garden guessing I was there for I always take a walk there when I happen to feel bored. Just as she was entering the garden, I saw the glitter again.
In an instant, my sister fell to the floor! I didn’t know what to do! Just then, I heard a rough feminine voice say, “Oh dear! I forgot! The girl is allergic to fairy dust.” This voice was followed by a softer, gentler voice, “Celeste! Remember, our existence is a secret!” I, forgetting all about the words ‘fairy dust’, demanded, “Who’s that? Who did this?”
I heard strong flaps against the wind. I wanted to get to the bottom of this but at that moment my priority was helping my sister. I rushed into the house and grabbed a bottle of water. Dipping my fingers into the bottle, I sprinkled some water on my sister’s face. In a few seconds, she became conscious and blinked rapidly. When she asked me what had happened, I narrated hearing voices and described the voices as vividly as I could. My sister smiled, “They must have come to visit me. Silly girls, forgot about my allergy!”
I couldn’t understand anything but nodded nevertheless. A few hours later, I was in the kitchen, baking. I left my batter on the platform to rest. Silly as I am, I forgot to cover it. When I returned after about fifteen minutes, the batter was spread across the floor! “Oh!” I cried. “What have you done!” said one of the voices I had heard in the garden. This time, I was determined to catch the culprit. I stealthily moved towards the direction of the muffled voice.
What I found left me in utter shock. Behind the dining table were two tiny fairies. Smiling sheepishly, they introduced themselves as Celeste and Amara. I was taken aback. I thought fairies were kind and helpful but here was a pair of fairies with nothing but a malicious motive! “Get out of my house and never come back!” I hissed softly, “You both are nothing but horrible, horrible fairies!” “Why would you say that?” Amara asked innocently. “You were the ones who made my sister unconscious and tipped my batter over,” I said, astonished at her audacity to ask me that.
“Oh no, no, no!” Celeste said in a quite hysterical fashion, “We had just come to visit your sister. We know Adhitri since she was about ten years old. It has been a long time since we last met her, so we forgot about her allergy of fairy dust and sprinkled some onto your house for good luck. Since we could not meet Adhitri in the garden, we decided to come in. Tipping your batter over was an accident. Here, let me put it right,” saying thus, Celeste swung her hand vigorously and mumbled an odd chant. My batter returned to where it had been fifteen minutes back! “This is a miracle! Thank you!” I said. “We forgive you,” Amara said, sulking. Celeste elbowed her, signaling not to say such things. However, I had realized my mistake and apologized to the two fairies.
This encounter taught me a lot. It taught me not to judge people before you have heard them out. It taught me to remember to cover my bowl of batter… always. And of course, it taught me that fairies do exist. Celeste and Amara should have known, I cannot keep my mouth or my pen shut. So, now that you know that fairies exist, I hope you at least will keep mum!

October, 2024

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