Popsicle Stick Bracelet

Make this stylish bracelet using a popsicle stick!


  • Popsicle sticks
  • Hot water
  • Glass
  • Paints
  • Black marker
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Beads


  • With the help of an adult, put a Popsicle stick in hot water and leave it in for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the stick from the hot water and place it inside a round glass to shape it like a band. Leave it for 24 hours.
  • Remove the stick from the glass. You will get a semicircular band.
  • Decorate the band with paints and a black marker.
  • Ask an adult to help you make 2 small holes on both ends of the band. You could use a hole punch or a needle. We’ve used a needle.
  • Pierce a thread through the holes and add beads to the ends of the thread. Secure the beads with knots.
  • Use the thread to tie the band around your wrist.
    Your Popsicle stick bracelet is ready!

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