Praneel Singh, Class 4, Army Public School, Jaisalmer
Pieces as 16 Black and 16 White on a Chessboard with 64 squares,
Capturing the opponent’s ‘King’ piece gives me the final cheers!
Together the players with the chess pieces are wrestling,
Both have followed the principle of Centre Controlling!
My opponent is setting the game with the opening Sicilian,
And I would like to try my hands with the variation of Indian!
A good opening results in a good Endgame,
And this form of game results in the fame!
The player with a beginner rating,
Is now updated with the concept of Castling!
The proud player with the pieces Black,
Has put the Knight and the Bishop in Double Attack!
The White Rook has put the Queen and Rook in Skewer,
The Black Queen moves out and makes the both secure!
While the opponent is stuck with a skewer,
I am excited as a vibrant VIBGYOR!
To the King and the Queen, with a Rook I did a Pin,
And lo! the opponent has a lost grin!
The player with the pieces White is in plus ten advantage,
Capturing Black’s active Knight strengthens its winning percentage!
The Black Queen has attracted the White King to the first rank,
The White Bishop managed to rescue its King by Discover Attack!
My cousin is going to be in the age group of teen,
Still I am capable of mating him with a Queen!
I feel sleepy and as I yawn,
I will mate you with just a Rook and a Pawn!
The accuracy is to get the Queen and the Bishop in a Battery,
By following such tactics the Grandmasters have attained their mastery!
Be it offline or online, be it Rapid or Classical,
I wish my performance shall always be magical!
December, 2024