Parkinson’s Disease Detected Using Artificial Intelligence 

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, have devised an artificial intelligence (AI) model that can detect Parkinson’s disease with the help of night-time breathing patterns.

October 16, 2022

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, have devised an artificial intelligence (AI) model that can detect Parkinson’s disease with the help of night-time breathing patterns. The AI model uses a device that collects breathing data in a contactless way using radio waves. This model can determine the severity of the disease and can also track how much the disease progresses over time.

The symptoms of Parkinson’s such as slowness, muscle stiffness and tremors in the arms and legs are seen many years after the disease’s onset. This is why the disease is difficult to diagnose in its early stages.

Did You Know?
The fastest growing neurological condition in the world is Parkinson’s disease.

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