Our Paradise

Aromi Samdani, Class 7, St Gregorios High School, Mumbai

Some people think heaven as Paradise,
They say it without thinking twice.
It’s the place where everyone wants to be,
But is this the Paradise for you and for me?
Where no one sleeps on the street,
Where every child gets to eat.
There are no shackles of poverty
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
Everything is possible here, it seems.
People always dare to dream.
Awake to a day full of joy and glee,
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
Where education’s wheel always churns.
We get to see new things and learn
Where we can be what we want to be,
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
Where people work hard and reach great heights.
Both men and women enjoy equal rights.
There exists no discrimination and inequality,
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
Nature bestows upon us bright colors,
Full of life and full of wonders.
A place full of natural beauty,
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
Where creatures exist beyond imagination.
Everyone is free to express their creations.
Where fairies and pixies are not just fantasy
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!
No one is different, no one is small.
Nature shared her treasures with us all.
A place filled with empathy and humanity.
That’s the Paradise for you and for me!

July, 2024

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