Scientists discovered that a plant that was believed to be a colour variant of Monotropastrum humile, which is most commonly found in parts of Asia, is actually a new plant species.
Scientists discovered that a plant that was believed to be a colour variant of Monotropastrum humile, which is most commonly found in parts of Asia, is actually a new plant species. This new plant has a stem that looks like milk glass and pink petals.
In order to study the plant, scientists collected specimens from Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan. After studying the features of the plant, scientists came to the conclusion that the new variant is an independent species, as the evolution of the new plant, its flowering patterns, its physical features and some other characteristics are different from Monotropastrum humile. This new species has been named Monotropastrum kirishimense because it was discovered in Kirishima, Japan.
Did You Know?
In the year 2022, scientists discovered around 146 new fungus, plant and animal species.