With the help of HiPERCAM, a high-speed camera innovated by scientists at the University of Sheffield, UK, a new ring system was found around a planet named Quaoar, which is situated at the edge of the Solar System.
With the help of HiPERCAM, a high-speed camera innovated by scientists at the University of Sheffield, UK, a new ring system was found around a planet named Quaoar, which is situated at the edge of the Solar System. Quaoar is a dwarf planet that circles the sun beyond Neptune and was discovered in 2002.
According to scientists, this newly discovered ring system is different from previously discovered systems as it is located at a distance that is approximately seven-and-a-half times the radius of Quaoar, which is twice as far out from the parent body than what is considered normal. At such a distance, the material around the celestial body should accrete to form a moon rather than remain separate. Studying this system will enhance scientists’ understanding of how ring systems develop.
Did You Know?
Quaoar has a tiny moon named Weywot that encircles the planet beyond its ring.