New Moons Discovered 

Astronomers recently discovered three new moons, one orbiting Uranus and two orbiting Neptune.

March 16, 2024  

Astronomers recently discovered three new moons, one orbiting Uranus and two orbiting Neptune. Uranus’ newly discovered moon takes 680 days to circle the planet and astronomers have currently named it S/2023 U1. With a diameter measuring around 8kms, this moon is believed to be the smallest moon circling the planet. The moons orbiting Neptune have been provisionally named S/2002 N5 and S/2021 N1 and have diameters of 23kms and 14kms, respectively. S/2002 N5 takes nine years to circle Neptune while S/2021 N1 takes 27 years to circle the planet. 

Did You Know?
Neptune takes around 165 Earth years to circle the sun. 

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