New Microcontinent Found 

Geologists have found a new microcontinent located between Greenland and Canada, which they have named the Davis Strait proto microcontinent.

August 16, 2024 

Geologists have found a new microcontinent located between Greenland and Canada, which they have named the Davis Strait proto microcontinent. The microcontinent is 19 to 24kms thick and is located in the Davis Strait after which it has been named. According to geologists, the formation of the microcontinent took place due to tectonic plate activity between Greenland and Canada approximately 33 to 61 million years back. The study of this newly discovered microcontinent will enhance geologists’ understanding of the development of microcontinents around the world. 

Watch this video to learn about Zealandia, Earth’s mysterious landmass 

Image for representational purposes

ACTIVITY: Cold Weather Creatures

The Davis Strait proto microcontinent is located between Greenland and Canada. List any 5 animals one would expect to see there.

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