Nepalese Mountaineer Scales Mount Everest for the 30th Time

Nepalese mountaineer Kami Rita Sherpa scaled Mount Everest for the 30th time, breaking his own record as the person to have scaled the world’s highest mountain the most times.

June 16, 2024 

Nepalese mountaineer Kami Rita Sherpa scaled Mount Everest for the 30th time, breaking his own record as the person to have scaled the world’s highest mountain the most times. Sherpa achieved this feat on May 22, just nine days after his 29th ascent. The 54-year-old, who belongs to a village called Thame in Nepal, scaled Everest for the first time in 1994. Sherpa’s mountaineering career commenced in 1992 when he became part of an expedition to Everest as a supporting crewmember and he has scaled many peaks including Lhotse and K2 ever since. He has been guiding mountain climbers for over 20 years and currently works with Seven Summit Treks.

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