Music-My Favourite Gift

Sarnavo Preetish, Class 4, Global City International School, Bengaluru

Guess it! My best gift I have received is definitely not much different from others, actually everyone is gifted by god with something special, only we must come across it. So let’s talk about my gift. Yes, everyone has it, only one has to take care of it in proper way. We often use it while speaking and get damage when we scream a lot. It’s a muscle in our throat. Did you guess it yet? Of course it’s my vocal cord! Where does sound come from? Vocal cords!! How does it work? Well, it vibrates at particular frequency when we are trying to sing in particular Swara of that scale. So basically our mind give command to our vocal cord to produce particular sound through that frequency which produce the harmony of music.

Let’s talk about some interesting fact about Hindustani classical music. In our daily life we used to follow routine as per the time, correct? We are not taking our breakfast in night and dinner in morning. Eventually we can do it but it will be not much affective.

Similar way in Hindustani Classical Music, each raag is rendered only at a specific time. This is so as each raag is more effective if performed at a particular time. It is supposed to enhance the RAS (Bhav) of the raag that the artist is responsible for evoking. But some Raags are seasonal in nature called Ritu Raag. For example, raags that belong to the Malhar category can be sung at any time during the monsoon season.
Ragas is associated with a time of day. Here is the Raga Samay Chakra, or “Raga Time Wheel” a 24-hour clock that determines what time of day is best for each raga. Times correlate to ragas because our voice’s natural range changes throughout the day. For example, Bhairav is good in the early morning, like 6 AM, because our vocal register is low. After a long vocal rest throughout the night, in morning we must indulge our vocal cord in Raag Bhairav and lower Swar (Kharaj) first. This improve projection and depth of our voice. So basically I am trying to maintain my gift with proper servicing every day like we are brushing our teeth every day to keep it safe.

Once my Guruji taught me while teaching about Raag Bhairav, that if its Swara rendered in correct way it will give a fantastic illusion of sun rise and projecting the first rays of sun through dawn morning. Similarly, in evening we preferred to Riyaz raag with higher Swar (Taar Saptak) as its easy in evening to reach out higher notes rather than morning.
If someone will consciously practice it, can feel the difference of vocal range throughout the day-night cycle. So, keep doing correct Riyaz and enjoy the ride of music world. Yes, its Karat Ki Vidya. So keep practicing of your passion till you touch the sky.

October, 2024

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