Sai Harshitha M, Class 6, Amberwood International School, Nellore
Cherished thoughts burn
Inside a heart so wary
Shed tears for people but herself
To lose the pain she yearns
She carried for months in womb
A child soon to be hers
She given flesh and bone
That day a new rebirth
She grew the memories clear
Little feet she showed the path
To know practical learning lasts
Watched them grow so fast
She had to let them learn
So teary eyed she left
Sent them off afar
While worrying night and day
Then returned to her arms
She never ceased carass
Then to leave once again
Reminiscences left inside their den
Mother’s heart pure like gold
To tend the young alive
Sacrifice all the life
To show the world a mothers strife
Never we forget the care
The comfort of her lap
The taste of food uncompared
Like a rock always there
All the love in the world
Deserve the crem de la crem
The world filled with kindest hearts
Through mother child’s world will start