Nitya Godara, Class 6, Billabong High International School, Andheri, Mumbai
Let’s make a pledge,
To save our planet from the edge.
It is screaming for help,
Giving strong signals of great damage.
Wildfires, floods, heatwaves, earthquakes,
Global warming or melting of glaciers,
Everything is showing alarms of destruction.
We have to wake now,
As there are no flying cars to the mars.
The Earth is our home, for all the children yet to come,
We have to protect its fresh air, for all to breathe in coming years.
Making people aware, for the environment welfare,
Planting trees with care, making clean atmosphere.
The Earth is billion years old, now it needs our helping hand,
For such a huge pollution, we need a smart solution.
No plastics, no cutting trees.
Use lesser and turn more green.