
Aadyaa Gahalaut, Class 11, SR International School, Bareilly

Here I stand; close my eyes and feel the cool night air,
A soft wind gently brushing past my ear.
I then look up; a canvas, so mystique, so wide,
Holding all the eternal secrets, even the darkness subsides.
Moonlight – like my mother’s soft and gentle touch,
Calm and soothing, neither too less and nor too much.
It hugs the beautiful canvas with its silver grace
Wraps my entire being in a tranquil embrace.
Like how my mother holds me tight,
Isn’t it the same? holding the Earth throughout the night?
Her glow dancing over clouds, rivers and hills,
The softest lullaby, hearing which, even the nature stills.
Its peace, isn’t it? This soft song?
Its altruistic nature, it stays there all night long.
Like the Earth, I feel peace beneath its care,
Free from the rush, free from the despair.
Moonlight – Just like my mother’s heart
Always there, even when we’re apart.

March, 2025

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