Monsoon Magic

The arrival of the monsoon season washes away the scorching heat of the summer and paints the landscape in shades of green. The soothing sound of raindrops, the petrichor and the refreshing atmosphere bring joy to many. Children find the monsoon season very exciting as they get to play in the rain, splash water on each other and sail paper boats in puddles. SCARLETT RODRIGUES asked a few RobinAgers about their best monsoon memories. Here’s what they had to say.

June 16, 2024 

Ayana Jayakrishnan
Class 8, Chatrabhuj Narsee School, Mumbai

RobinAge Cover Story - Monsoon Magic

The monsoon evokes feelings of nostalgia in me and reminds me of when I was younger. The smell of the soil and the sound of the rain give me joy and calm me. One of my favourite monsoon memories is from the year 2020 when my friends and I visited Lonavala. We stayed in a villa there and enjoyed the rain a lot! The villa had a pool and a trampoline, which added to our enjoyment. We bounced on the trampoline while enjoying the rain. Spending time inside the warm and cosy villa was also fun. We listened to music, played board games, enjoyed slurpy noodles and drank hot chocolate. We also took long walks and enjoyed the delightful environment. 

Yatharth Chopra
Class 7, Eklavya School, Ahmedabad

RobinAge Cover Story - Monsoon Magic

The monsoon is always exciting as we have new experiences every year. I love playing outdoors with my friends every monsoon. Once, it was raining heavily and water accumulated in many areas including my school because of which a holiday was declared. I enjoyed that holiday with my friends at home. In another instance, when my friends and I were playing, it started raining heavily. It was also thundering and lightning. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck an area very close to where we were playing. All of us were dumbstruck! Though this was a scary experience, it was something we had never seen before. 

Sawinee Mukherjee
Class 6, Smt Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane

A fascinating memory I have of the monsoon season is when I visited my grandparents in Kolkata last year. My brother and I were playing on the terrace of their house. All of a sudden, it started thundering and lightning. We could see storm clouds heading our way. Soon, it started raining heavily and we could see water flowing off people’s roofs in the neighbourhood. It was fun to experience the cool breeze and the rainwater on my skin. The beauty of this season is that it can be enjoyed both outdoors and indoors. Another memory I have is of a day when I was ill during the monsoon. I couldn’t go out and was upset. My mother made some hot chocolate to cheer me up and I sat on the balcony sipping it. I extended my hand to feel the rain and the raindrops on my palm immediately made me happy. 

Shravika Chopra
Class 5, Eklavya School, Ahmedabad

RobinAge Cover Story - Monsoon Magic

I remember a funny incident that took place during the monsoon. My friends and I were dancing in the rain and jumping in puddles. Suddenly, one of my friends slipped and fell into a muddy puddle and all her clothes were soiled. All of us, including my friend who had fallen, burst out laughing! 

Aahaan Bhojani
Class 5, St Gregorios High School, Mumbai

RobinAge Cover Story - Monsoon Magic

The best memory of the monsoon I have is of my trip to Mulshi last year. The lush green mountains covered with fog and the overflowing Mulshi Lake were a sight to behold. That was also the first time I saw a full rainbow stretching across the sky over the lake. The best part of the trip was when a peacock appeared on the lawn of our bungalow one evening. And how can I forget the noodles and hot chocolate that I relished that monsoon? 

Stutii Shah
Class 4, Kapol Vidyanidhi International School, Mumbai

RobinAge Cover Story - Monsoon Magic

A pleasant memory I have of the magical monsoon season is of a day when it rained unexpectedly. It was quite a sunny day and no one expected it to rain. My friends were at my place. And we suddenly noticed that the sky had darkened and strong winds were blowing. Soon, it started raining. We wanted to make the most of the weather so we quickly went outside to play in the rain. We jumped in puddles and splashed water on each other. When we returned home, we had a small monsoon party with coffee and snacks. I love the monsoon season because of the unexpected holidays from school and the beautiful changes the season brings in nature, such as the greenery and the cool breeze. 

REFLECTION: Monsoon Mood

List any 5 emotions the rain invokes in you.

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