Microplastics Impact Weather 

Scientists at the Pennsylvania State University, USA, discovered that tiny plastic particles called microplastics are impacting rainfall and weather patterns.

December 16, 2024 

Scientists at the Pennsylvania State University, USA, discovered that tiny plastic particles called microplastics are impacting rainfall and weather patterns. In a recent study, they found that water droplets containing microplastics froze at higher-than-normal temperatures, indicating that the microplastics were leading to cloud formation in conditions that would not support cloud formation under normal circumstances. The study demonstrated that microplastics in water droplets eased the development of ice crystals, leading to the formation of clouds and changing the pattern of rainfall. Scientists will conduct further studies to gain deeper insights into how microplastics are impacting the climate. 

Microplastics are present everywhere including the oceans, the air and even in some human organs. 

REFLECTION: Say No to All Plastics

According to a new study, microplastics might be getting lodged in clouds too! Suggest 5 ways to stop using plastic.

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