High concentrations of microplastics have been discovered in Cliff Cave in Saint Louis County in the USA by researchers at Saint Louis University, USA.
High concentrations of microplastics have been discovered in Cliff Cave in Saint Louis County in the USA by researchers at Saint Louis University, USA. Researchers aimed at studying the prevalence of microplastics in subsurface water as not much research has been conducted in this field. According to the researchers, microplastics were found in sediment and water in all parts of the cave. However, the concentrations of the contaminant were much higher in the sediment as compared to the water. People have not been able to enter the cave system for the past 30 years, so researchers were certain that the contamination is not linked to the presence of humans in the cave. The study found that microplastics from the densely populated residential areas near the cave were being brought into the cave through floodwater.
It is estimated that by the year 2050, almost all of the world’s seabirds will have consumed plastic.